The question of bases

In the continuing search for the perfect base for some of these new shapes that are coming out, I am now experimenting with painting one of the curvy cut bases with blue heavy gel medium spread with short strokes so it looks like a cake frosted in water. 

In this case, the white piece will be mounted at about a 45 degree angle. (assuming I like it in place)

I’d really like to find some nice rocks that I can drill into as bases, I like the weight and honesty of them as bases.

Progress on Spiral Waves

working on painting the Wave here, this base shown is not the finished base. I’ve been getting feedback and want to find some stone base to drill into.

Still need good photos of the latest finished piece, “Transition” so check back!

Approaching my birthday…

As I approach my birthday ( yes, it’s a big one) I find myself being a time hoarder with my studio hours.  I read the transcript of a TED talk the other day talking about how “slow motion multi-tasking” is how artists and other brilliant ;-) people can work on multiple projects at once and still be successful.  Heck, as artists we’ve known this all along! Hit a block on one project, move along to another one and eventually the solution presents itself through ideas generated by working on something different.

Multi-tasking isn’t a bad thing here, it lets your brain play with other toys to disrupt the “same old thinking” and make new connections. YAY

The trick is not to over do it. I usually have up to 4 works in progress and others in line waiting for the right time. Interesting how everything old is new again…again!

My goal for this year is to keep working, just keep working. I’ve got lots of ideas swirling around gathering solidity with time. I’m finding ways to continue working with metal, aluminum lets me work with my hands in a way that satisfies my need to actually make stuff with my hands, not via a computer. 

Rising Out Of The Storm

Still in process of finishing the cypress wood base, patina came out nicely, I still want to knock down any shine on the figure’s clearcoat. 

This piece illustrates my rising out of the last year and letting the Universe lead in this dance of life.

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